Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Sick Joke

That's what this is. That's what I received in the mail today. A stupid, sick joke.

So there was a package waiting for me when I got back to my apartment. It was wrapped in brown paper with my address scrawled on it. There was no return address, of course.

Inside was a wooden box. And inside the wooden box was a gun. A revolver. I've checked online to see what model, but I can't find it. The company who made it - printed on the side of the barrel - is called "INTERITIO," but I can't find anything about them online. There are no bullets.

There was, however, a note alongside the gun:


That's all it had on it.

This has to be some sort of sick joke, right? Should I call the cops?



    Latin for extinction. Not sure what's going on but I doubt the cops can help. Get rid of that thing, drop your research and hope nothing else happens.

  2. Don't get rid of it. Keep it locked up, safe, but study it. You want to know more? Check out the grooves the inside would cause on a bullet. See what it's similar to, and take your lead from there.
    Mercygiver? I may need to talk more about this. I have a very... Special task.
